Respect & Boundaries

 Due to an increased number of calls and messages​, I unfortunately feel it is necessary to write this post. I am a highly qualified and registered medical therapist who has worked extremely hard to offer a certain standard of care.

I have some amazing male clients, but I am saddened by the fact that so many other men out there are so ignorant about this profession, and have such a lack of respect for the work that I put in to my practice, the years of knowledge and experience that go into my sessions, and for me as a human being.

Some of the persistent responses that I receive after I have explained why I will not offer the service that they would like, simply amounts to sexual harassment, and it would not be tolerated elsewhere.

I would like to give my clients confidence in the professional standards that I have continued to uphold since my practice as a nurse and a midwife, and to show them that The Medical Massage Lady is both ethical and boundary-driven.

I am therefore making it clear, once again, that there is a zero-tolerance policy for solicitations of any kind and that inappropriate requests are taken seriously and will result in the immediate termination of the session. Should I be sent any inappropriate requests by text message, I will respond once politely, explaining why I do not offer services of a sexual nature, but if that person persists they will be blocked without any further explanation.

Examples of inappropriate requests that I have had include, but are not limited to:-
• Happy endings
• Extras
• Body to body massage
• Prostate massage
• Massage while the potential client pleasures himself
• Offers to send me videos of them pleasuring themselves in the shower
• Questions about their size

When I say no to offering a service, I mean NO.