Soft Tissue Dysfunction v Soft Tissue Injury

Soft Tissue Dysfunction v Soft Tissue Injury


 Dysfunctional tissue is non pathological and free from injury or inflammation, and is generally demonstrated by aches and pains. While the body generally adapts to the demands placed upon it, repeated stress can cause an imbalance, which can then lead to injury. 

Possible causes of tissue dysfunction:-

 • Body composition

 • Inactivity 

• Lifestyle imbalances 

• Repetitive occupational movements

 • Occupational stress 

• Physically demanding hobbies

 • Sleeping position

 • Poor posture

 • Poor exercise technique 

• Adhesions

 • Synergistic dominance (muscles overcompensating for a weak muscle) 


 Injury happens when the soft tissue is subjected to a force that it can’t absorb, due to impact,trauma or exceeding the normal range of movement. 

PRIMARY INJURIES – due to initial trauma

 • INTRINSIC – caused by forces within the body such as weak muscles, as a result of an underlying imbalance or overuse of the muscle Eg.a strained hamstring during a 100m sprint 

• EXTRINSIC – caused by forces outside the body eg.taking a hit while boxing 

SECONDARY INJURIES – consequence of a primary injury of ten due to compensatory posture eg.knee pain due to a previous calf strain

 NON-CONSEQUENTIAL INJURY – not sport related but interfere with sporting ability 

MECHANISM OF INJURY – any action resulting in a stress pattern that damages specific tissues 


STRAINS – a tear in the muscle or tendon due to excessive overload 

SPRAINS – injury of a ligament due to overstretching 

TENDINOPATHIES – rupture of a tendon causing inflammation or degeneration of a tendon without inflammation 

CAPSULAR LIGAMENT/JOINT CAPSULE DAMAGE – trauma causes accumulation of fibrous tissue and adhesions, leading to loss of movement